Онлайн заходи за напрямами програми Горизонт Європа

Протягом травня – червня Європейська Комісія планує проведення онлайн заходів за напрямами Програми Горизонт Європа. 1. Title: Lump Sum Funding in Horizon Europe: How does it work? How to write a proposal? Date: 11 May 2023, from 10:00am to 12:00am (CEST, Brussels time) Target group: Applicants and beneficiaries who are or will be involved in lump sum grants Event website: (remote only, no need to register) 2. Title: Info session on Horizon Results Booster – steering research towards a strong societal impact Date: 24 May 2023, from 10:00am to 12:30am (CEST, Brussels time) Event website: (remote only, no need to register) 3. Title: Coordinators’ Day on Horizon Europe Grant Management Date: 08 June 2023, from 09:30am to 13:00am (CEST, Brussels time) Event website: (remote only, no need to register)